Mobile Wine Filtration for Pacific Northwest Wineries

Cellar Dweller Mobile Filter Services Ltd. is a Mobile Filtration Services company with facilities in Oliver, BC and Prosser, Washington.

Cellar Dweller operates mobile membrane systems including Crossflow filter systems, High Solids Crossflow filter systems, Rotary Vacuum Drum filter systemSelective Tartrate Removal System (STARS), and Reverse Osmosis filtration systems. The newest addition to our mobile fleet is our amaea MIPs filtration systems.

We typically process our customers wine on site, but also offer an offsite service.  Fees are based on a job time estimate, plus travel expenses and materials used.  Our rental fee includes delivery and pick up and our systems come with a fully trained operator.

By using our services, your winery will be able to access equipment that isn’t cost effective to own in house.  This equipment saves time, reduces wine losses, and produces higher quality wines.  These efficiency and quality gains will produce significant returns for your winery..

When using our RO and/or STARS services, we also recommend you consider using our Crossflow MF filter service prior to RO or STARS.  Both of these units require low turbidity wine for optimum flows.  RO is not a filtration, any acetobactor or bacteria that may have caused wine issues are still present, and need to be removed with sterile, or near sterile filtration.

We operate a small fleet of flat bed and box trucks, and these are available for moving grapes, juice, wine and case goods.

Contact us to see how we can help you save time, reduce wine loss and produce higher quality wines. Inquire about booking our services today.